

Maximize revenue recovery and customer satisfaction with Mueller Systems® Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Solution. Streamline your meter reading-to-billing process, enhance customer service, and unlock opportunities for upgrading your water system.

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City of Sheridan, WY, achieves 99.6% daily read accuracy and significant labor savings with
Mueller Systems® AMI solution

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Future-proof your water system expansion with Mueller Migratable Solution: unlock capital financing opportunities.

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Operate, monitor, and control your water system with Sentryx™ Water Intelligence Platform. Access network data on a single secure platform.

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Network-as-a-Service AMI Solution

Mueller NaaS AMI offers a comprehensive range of secure connectivity options, ensuring maximum wireless coverage across your utility service area. Our dedicated operations team collaborates with local connectivity partners to establish a cost-effective solution tailored to your utility's needs. This lets you focus on business outcomes, optimize IT processes, and enhance customer satisfaction.
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Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Solution

The Mi.Net® system links meters, distribution sensors, and communicating devices in an efficient wireless network for near real-time access. It allows water utilities to perform remote system monitoring, and identify issues faster and more accurately - without having the need for truck-rolls. This smart city enabled solution also provides flexibility and scalability to cost-effectively add advanced capabilities to fixed networks or drive-by solutions without replacing the entire system.
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Migratable AMR/AMI Solution

The Mi.Net® migratable endpoint allows water utilities to mix and match mobile, hybrid, or fixed network AMI solutions. The Mi.Net migratable technology can be installed as a mobile system and migrated to fixed network AMI later. Utilities can choose to make some areas fixed network AMI and deploy mobile solutions throughout the remainder of the network — all while maintaining the full two-way command and control capability that enables functionality such as the remote disconnect meter, on-demand data log retrieval, and even over-the-air firmware upgrades.

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Lorawan Endpoint Solution

Implemented with LoRaWAN® Class B specifications, the Mi.Net® node is a bi-directional endpoint capable of transmitting secure data to and from a network server within seconds, as opposed to hours with a Class A endpoint. The Town of Florence, Arizona, is the first utility to reap the benefits, in its effort to accelerate its journey toward digital transformation and the deployment provides the foundation required to build out their smart city grid.

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Cellular Endpoint Solution

Making AMI connectivity possible in areas where radio communication infrastructure setup is infeasible. This solution enables utility’s AMI systems to be agile, reduces the costs of initial installation, and integrates seamlessly with Sentryx™ platform - providing a true network-in-a-box solution for water systems of any size.
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Sentryx Water Intelligence Platform

View multiple data sources in a single platform for a true smart city transformation. Sentryx empowers utilities to capitalize on data generated by the existing water network and turn them into insights. It helps water utilities move away from fragmented data silos and multiple software applications, while also providing actionable insights and automating responses.
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